Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Thankful for Sundays!!

Sundays are officially my "restart" days.  I get to sleep in, take time in eat breakfast at the table, take a long hot shower, church, lunch, clean our home, laundry, grocery store, organize food and clothes for the week, make dinner, touch up my nails and eyebrows, and even squeeze in a walk and little tv.  Sundays have ALWAYS been my favorite day of the week, and I think its because I get so much accomplished!!  Its also a day for me to sit back and reflect on what has gone on the week before, and what is to come the following week. 

So on this Sunday, I'll leave you with a song that has been humming in my head all morning, and one of my all time favs:

1 comment

Missy June said...

Sundays are my favorite day do the week, too! Love it!

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