Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Its the Weekend!!!

This week was another busy week.  I headed to Ashville, Greenville, SC, Greensboro, and Charlotte for a round of meetings with editors of newspapers and regional magazines.   The trip was a tremendous success, and I am looking forward to building the business relationships I made this week.   The only down part was being away from Knoxville for most of the week.  Lots of work projects and home projects are going on, and it was tough being away. 

Lately, I have been thinking about the following sentence:

Do I work to live, or do I live to work?

In America, its seems like our culture drives us to live to work.  We focus our careers over family, careers over health, careers over ministry, careers over God, careers over........well everything.  It seems to be our work titles and the amount of money we make defines us in a society.  Two week vacations are unheard of, and leaving work on time is looked down upon.  Work projects, deadlines, flow charts, and expectations drive our minds even when we are not at work.  So, how does one work to enhance their career, while also living life to the fullest?

These questions have been rattling in my head all week?  And, the answer is simple.  Priorities.  Setting and KEEPING personal priorities are key to living an amazing life.  So, what are my priorities in this life, here's my list:
1. Spending adequate time each morning in the Word of God, and communicating in prayer with the Lord throughout the day. I talk alot on here about a daily devotional called, Jesus Calling, which I HIGHLY recommend if you're looking for a short devotional each day. 

2. Personal Health - Taking time to eat right, exercise, go to the doctor,getting to a healthy weight, and working to prevent issues down the road.  For me, this priority  has never made my top 5 list; however, if I want to be able to accomplish anything in life, I must make my health high on the list. 

3. Family & Friends.  Spending time with my husband. Being a good wife, who cares for our home, and encouraging my husband in his walk with Christ and in his career.  Also, spending time with our families and listening to understand what is going on in their lives. And, with friends its important to call my close friends, traveling to see them, encouge them in their walks with the Lord, and being there at all times. 

4. Work.  Having a career is a priority to me.  I am absolutely blessed with the job the Lord has given me , and I work with an incredible group of people.  I am proud of the organization I work for, and want to do my best each day to ensure success for our entire team. 

5. Church & Ministry.  Some people may ask why church is #5 on my list, and the truth is, my relationship with the Lord is still #1; however, I have to work to ensure we are able to provide for our family and to our church.  Finding a good church home is important, and the fellowship is key.  Once, you find a good church home, it is important to find areas within the church to serve.  This will not only develop who you are in Christ, this also helps fulfill the Great Commission put before us by Christ himself in Matthew 28.

My top 5 priorities are key in finding balance and keeping peace within my life.  Everything else falls into place.  Things like Volunteering in the Community, Civic Clubs, Nonprofit Boards, Professional Organizations, sports, travel, etc.

What about you........what are your top 5 priorities in life? 

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