Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Its Saturday.........Thank Goodness!

Yesterday was a tough day, and I was so glad to wrap up a few work projects and head directly to the spa for a manicure and pedicure.  I always feel better when my nails and feet are done and are matching.  HA!!!  The hubby and I then met for a dinner and then a little birthday shopping for the three most important boys in our lives.

We were having a GREAT night, phone completely stopped working.  After a few attempts of taking the battery out, we decided the only hope was a Hard Reset.  Which, meant, I had to spend the next two hours reinstalling all my email accounts, apps, etc.  Arrhhh...........I was sooo ready for the week to end!!

When I woke up this morning I felt like I could exhale.  Its SATURDAY! Woohoo!  And, the SUN IS SHINING! (Hince, the opening video.)  This weekend, I am hoping to spend a lot of time relaxing, a little shopping, and time catching up with my bible study for church! 

I am also hoping to hit the bookstore this weekend!  I always love having some "fun" books around, and I love spending an afternoon sipping Starbucks and reading magazines!  Call me unique, but it is soooo relaxing!  

I also have my eye on a few new "fun" books that are must reads on my Spring List:

 Coming in May

 Coming in mid-April looks like I have a lot of reading to do this Spring!  Hope you have a great Saturday!!!And, we can't end this post without a little Fashion.  Its was a tradition growing up to watch the Paris, New York, or Milan Fashion Shows on Saturday mornings!  So Enjoy!


1 comment

Erin Branscom said...

Love your book list! :) Erin

I love your blog! I am following you!

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