Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

It's Been a Week.........

Its been a week since my last update, and to say life has been crazy is probably an understatement.  In the past 10 days I have had two trips to Nashville, one trip to the Tri-Cities, a horrible cold, lots of work, and a party to plan.  And, I just can't get over that January is almost gone.  When I look back over the past month, I don't think it turned out the way I had planned. 

My hopes for 2011 were to kick off my workout program, get my eating cleaned up, spend more time on Word, and begin working at balancing the work/home life.  And, over the last 30 days I seem to always be hungry, haven't worked out in a week, working like crazy, and in a very different season in my walk with the Lord. 

I know my sickness had a lot to do with my workout schedule and my work load; however, I can't help but believe that as I have truly put my health and fitness in the hands of the Lord, that I am under MAJOR attack from the enemy. And, I know how to battle it..........through the power of the Word and spending time with the Lord.  

So, as I look at February, my one and ONLY goal is to begin my day with the Lord. If I want to be successful at weightloss, if I want to be successful at work, if I want my marriage to flourish, if I want to serve my church with passion and vigor, if I want to be a good friend and great daughter and daughter-in-law, I must first focus my attention of the cross and refocus my mind on His Word.

When I begin my day in the Word and prayer, I know everything else will fall into place.  Everything else will come into prospective.  I will have peaceful sleep at night and be able to serve those around me each and every day.
Thanks for reading today.  I know this post wasn't all roses and fun; however, sometimes its appropriate to be REAL!! 

Have a blessed Sunday, and try spend'n a little time with the Lord today, even a simple prayer, will bring you so much peace. 

Lots of Love,


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