Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

A little update!!

This week can be summed up in two words - Feeling Horrible!  I caught another cold, and Monday it really hit.  I felt awful and started coughing NONE STOP! And, that coughing has not stopped ALL WEEK!!  It's really bad at night, and I think I've slept on the couch at least 4 nights this week, so I wouldn't wake my husband.  (No reason for both of us to miss out on sleep.)

Friday, I headed to Nashville for the day to speak at a TAF conference, and Lord willing I was able to NOT cough through 2 1/2 hours of presenting.  However, I paid for all that talking later that night., when I spent another night on the couch, sleeping between coughs.  It seems like the more I talk the worse the cough gets. 

On Saturday, I slept until noon, and woke up feeling GREAT.  I had high hopes for the day; however, after a few hours I was back on couch and feeling horrible.  Matt and I ended up staying in last night. I made speghatti and we watched the Social Network.  I loved the movie, and was so glad I finally saw it.  

This morning, I couldn't take it anymore.  I researched several clinics in West Knoxville, and headed to the Walgreens on Cedar Bluff.  I had tried one of these clinics a couple of years ago at CVS and had horrible luck.  The nurse gave me an inhaler, which literally almost sent me to the hospital because whatever was in the inhaler reacted with my normal medication.  Soooo......I to say I was desparate today may have been an understatement.  I thought seriously about the ER, however, last time I went there I did not leave for three days!  HA!

I got to the Walgreens and only one other person was in line.  I signed in, and after 30 minute wait the nurse saw me.  She asked me if I thought I had an infection, and I said no.  I just need cough medicine.  After lots of questions and a brief examination, I was diagnoised with a Sinus Infection and a Respirtory infection.  She said I had a lot of mucas in my throat and nose, and needed antibotics and a serious cough medicine.  

As soon as I walked out of the room, I noticed that the waiting room has gotten extremely busy.  In fact the wait went from 30 minutes to 3 hours in only the 15 minutes I was with the nurse.  Geez.....I think lots of people have this cold stuff.  

So this afternoon I plan to rest A LOT, and hopefully get some much need work done. And, hopefully, I will get a good night's sleep.  :-)

I hope each of you have had a GREAT weekend.

Lots of Love!


ALR said...

I hope you get well soon:)

Amy R.

Leah said...

Ugh! I hope you are feeling better!

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