Its Friday! Its Friday! Woohoo, the weekend is almost here! This week has simply flown by and I am ready for a couple of days of sweet rest and time with my family. Life is going well as we continue to transition to our hometown; however, hopefully, in a few short weeks we will have everything situated and moved to Bristol. God has been so good to our family with this transition, as He makes provision for every detail. He truly deserves all the glory for His grace, goodness and kindness.
This week's 5 on Friday is a random assortment of life updates and just fun things I am loving these days. I hope you enjoy!!
1. WOW! I saw this quote on Instagram and it made me do a gut check. How often do I get so "busy" that I lose focus on the Lord and put all my energy in completing my To-Do list and running here and there. I have to remind myself that the people the Lord brings in my life each day need to see Him through me, and no matter how anxious I get from "all I have to do," that He has called me to live in the present and be a light to all of those around me.
2. Another Quote that hit me between the eyes. Oh, how I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to plan; however, sometimes its best to get up off my rear and get to work. This is especially true in my relationship with getting healthy and exercise. LOL!!
3. Okay Ladies, this book is not for the faint at heart. Karen Ehman has an awesome way of reminding us (yes, I mean me too) to learn to keep our months shut and really take time to listen to what others are saying. If you are looking for a great devotional/Christian Living book this is a MUST READ!
4. This CD has been playing non-stop since I heard it last fall!!! The worship songs are incredible!
5. Since my new job is themed around music, I find myself attending more and more concerts, and last weekend did not disappoint. This was an awesome band who are on a quest to record all the Carter Family songs. Amazing!
Hope your enjoyed this update, and have an awesome weekend!!
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