Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

A Weekend Well Spent Brings a Week of Content

This weekend was quiet.  So quiet, that it made me realize that it was the first time in over 10 weeks that we have had two days in a row with no travel, no packing, no moving, nothing.  Whew!!! Saturday was filled with running a few errands and then heading to dinner with Jamie and Kristy.  Matt had to work on Sunday, so I was able to get caught up on laundry, spend some much needed quiet time in the Word, and prepare for the week ahead.   It was so nice, and I feel rested and ready for the week ahead.

Speaking of the week ahead, its time to get serious and get my morning routine back on track.  With the move and everything else going on, I have gotten out of the rhythm of waking up early and starting off my day right.  So, this week its time to get back on track.

Here are 7 Steps to the Perfect Morning Routine.......

1.  Stretch 
It seems the older I get, the more my body craves morning and evening stretch time.  Taking 5-10 minutes to stretch and do a couple of yoga sequences really gets me ready for the day.

2.  Quiet Time with the Lord
Taking time to spend the first minutes of the day in prayer, worship, and study of God's Word is my favorite thing to do.  I'm currently reading a couple of great books on prayer, plus I'm also finishing a bible study on 2 Thessalonians, so its the perfect day to begin the day.

3. Drink Water
As soon as I get out of bed, I love to drink Ice Cold Water.  It really wakes me up and gets my body feeling great.

4. Listen to upbeat music
As I get ready, I love listening to energetic music.  I love the energy from an upbeat song, and especially worship songs by artists like Mandisa, Mercy Me, etc. 

5. Take My Time to Get Dressed and Ready for the Day Ahead
I am not a fan of rushing around, especially in the morning.  I love knowing when I go to bed, what I am going to wear the next day, so I am on auto-pilot when it comes to getting ready in the morning.

6.  Breakfast
The best habit I have picked up over the last few months is eating breakfast at home.  I love taking 10-15 minutes to sit down and eat breakfast before heading out the door.

7. Say "I Love You"
Telling my sweet husband "I love him" before I leave is a must.  Taking time to tell him I love him and I cannot wait to see him soon, is the perfect way to start my day. 

Happy Monday Friends.  And, if you have specific things in your AM routine please share. I would love to know what others do to stay healthy and keep our lives as stress free as possible. 

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