Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

What Does 33 Look Like??

Today I celebrate my 33rd Birthday.  In one since I feel that 33 is old; however, in other ways I still feel that 33 is really young.  I am blessed to have a body that is healthy and surrounded by close family and friends. Last year, I did a 32 Things I've Learned in the Past few years Post, and that was fun, yet this year I decided to write a post about what 33 Looks Like (the good, bad, and funny).  Now my 33  may look a little different than most 33 year old gals, as I don't have children and my life is centered around my husband and I, not "kid-friendly activities."  So here goes............

What 33 Looks Like:
  • 33 Is a Busy Age - This is an age that everyone seems to be pulling at every minute of my life, and Lord Help me if I find a quiet moment, as it will soon be filled with something to-do.
  • 33 Is An Age that I know 85% of who I am  - I know what I believe, I know how to conquer my anxieties, I know how I like things and what I don't like; however, there are still times when things surprise me and I realize something new about myself. 
  • 33 Is An Age that I feel at a Good Pace in My Career - I know I have a lot to learn and a lot to accomplish; however, I know that I have a lot of offer and already accomplished a lot.  I know life will offer me exciting activities and new adventures in my career; however, in this time I believe I am in a good place in my career and absolutely love my job. 
  • 33 Is An Age that I Really Don't Worry What Others Think of Me.  
  • 33 Is An Age that I worry about my parent's future, more than I worry about my own. Reality becomes real. 
  • 33 Is An Age that I still Don't have a lot emotion.  It takes a lot for me to show any emotion, especially sadness and tears. People say that will change when we have children, but for now, I rarely show my emotions. 
  •  33 Is An Age that I know I must get my health (ie weight) under control.  
  • 33 Is An Age that I feel pressure to have a perfectly decorated and organized house.
  • 33 Is An Age that I need to start cooking more, and improve my baking skills.
  • 33 Is An Age that I still find it fun to get my nails and toes done, facials, and look put together at all times. 
  • 33 Is An Age that I feel blessed to have amazing friends who I can call on at anytime for anything.  
  • 33 Is An Age I don't feel guilty for being lazy one day a week. (But, no more than that) as I recognize the importance of rest.  
  • 33 Is An Age that My Philosophy is Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.   
Here is to Age 33!!  Looking forward to everything that lays ahead for this fun year!



Whitney from Washington said...

Happy birthday Kim! I hope you've had a wonderful day and that this upcoming year is your best yet!

Karen Ward said...

Hope you had a great sister celebrates on the 5th as well! Except...she is NOT 33. LOL! Neither am I but I just had to point that out! She turned 49 and I will turn 50 on the 28th. I'd like to think I was still 33! Enjoy!

Missy June said...

Happy Birthday! Thirty-three is young and it sounds like you are well on your way to knowing yourself. Excellent.

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