Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

A Little Update and A New Blog Link-Up

Well! Well! Well!  I am honestly not sure how almost a week got past me; however, I realized this weekend that I had not posted in several days.  I think all the Holiday festivities kept me a little more busy than I had planned.  I had something to-do every night last week, and it was all I could do to get in bed at a descent hour.  LOL!  

 Here is Our Small Group After Ringing the Bells For Salvation Army Last Wednesday Night!

Life Update is Simple - Things are still busy, but everything is going well.  Work is also staying busy, in a good way.  I have gotten involved with several new organizations/associations over the last few months, which I will share some of those on here soon.  As for the Holidays I am excited to say that I have ALL my shopping complete and my packages wrapped.  WOOHOO!!  I am excited to spend this week just enjoying the Holidays.

And, speaking for the week ahead, I came across a really fun Blog-Link Up that I wanted to tryout.  Its called 5 for Five.  The purpose is to set five goals for the upcoming week and then link up with a fab group of gals!! I thought it sounded like a lot of fun, and thought I would give it a try!!  Here Goes: 


My 5 Goals for this week include:

  1. Complete the Bible Study I am Leading on Monday 
  2. Get my office and To-Dos List Organized by Friday!
  3. Make Plans with ALL my friends over the break!  I miss my friends so much!! 
  4. Workout three (3) times before the Christmas Break!
  5. Fill my week with Holiday Traditions - Starbucks Holiday Drinks, Christmas Classic Movies at the Tennessee Theatre, Christmas Music 24/7, Sitting and Enjoying the Christmas Decor in our home, etc.  
I hope you have a fabulous week, and can't wait to "meet" some new gals with the new link up.


Unknown said...

Good luck with your goals! I too am trying to get in 3 days of workouts. It is so hard to get motivated in the winter. I just want to curl up on the couch with a book. LOL

Mia @ The Chronicles of Chaos said...

Aww, I'm loving #5. Starbucks holiday drinks are the BEST! :) Best of luck on your list, can't wait to see your progress next week. :)

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