Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

A Mom Update & Top Two Tuesday

So, this week started off a little different.  Dad called me late at night letting me know that mom had started feeling bad, and they ended up taking her to the ER in JC.  After lots of tests, she was admitted to the Cardiac Unit at JCMC, which is one of the best top heart hospitals in the country.  After spending the night, lots of tests, and my amazing friend Kristy checking on her throughout the day, they finally released her this evening, and I can't help but be thankful for the answered prayers.  I just talked with her, and she is home, resting, and watching her Dancing with the Stars.  

I am so thankful she is feeling better, and just makes me excited to travel home this weekend to spend the Easter weekend with mom and dad.  The hubby is staying in Knoxville for a few days, and I am looking forward to seeing my family and good friends.  I soooo need it!!

Other than that, life is going well.  I am finally finished hosting guests in town, and even though I LOVE having them here, I am actually looking forward to spending time in the office for a few days. Ha!!   As for Tuesday, its time again to participate in Top Two Tuesday.  I enjoy the group of gals who participate, and we always have fun topics.

 This week's topic is Top 2 Things You Collect!

#1 - All things Penguins.  Blame it on college sorority,  Sigma Kappa, but I still love Penguins.  In fact, if I have a little girl one day, I will probably decorate her room in Red, Black, and White and accent with Penguins!  Also, I collect Penguin Christmas Ornaments.  In fact, I have almost enough Penguin Christmas Ornaments to decorate an entire tree! 

#2 Pandora Charms!  Currently, I am working on filling up my Pandora Bracelet that I received for Christmas.  Below is what I want my bracellet to look like once I am done. 

This was a fun post.  I ran the idea by my best friend Tiffany, and she mentioned that I like to collect all things Buffett and all things beachy.  Ha!!  She does have a point.  My hubby and I are totally obsessed with the beach life, and hoping to retire one day to enjoy that life.

Have a great week!!


Leah said...

I'm so glad your mom is OK!

Your bracelet is going to look beautiful.

Have a great week!

KimberlyMDavis said...

Thanks Leah. Hope things are going well!

Caroline said...

Prayers for your mom. And I love penguins too!!

AMY said...

Love your blog! I would love to start a Pandora bracelet, I think they are gorgeous!
I'm a new follower and will be back again soon!
Amy's Life @

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