Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.


This week has been interesting.  We have not been working full days because of the snow, and I think today everything on my "to-do" list started to become a little overwhelming. I keep repeating, "You will get everything done," however, with each day racing by I wonder what may have to give.  (Probably my sleep.) 

Last night Matt and I took some time to go to dinner and then watch the UT Basketball Game.  Our good friend/Church Dad, Randy was in town, and asked us to join him for the game.  We had a GREAT time and we made it home before the snow got too bad. 

Other than that, life has been about the same.  A few blog folks have been posting their "Confessions" and I thought it sounded like a lot of fun.  And, since I am feeling very uncreative this week, like Amanda and Lindsee,  I thought I would have a little fun and post my confessions. 

  • I am very rarely in a bad mood.  Many of my friends call me Pollyanna, because I am always looking at the positive and rarely get mad. 
  • It takes me 30 minutes in the morning to do my make-up and only 5 minutes to do my hair.  And, my hair always looks better. Go figure. 
  • I do not cry......much.  Sometimes I think I missed the emotional gene, because it takes a lot to get me to cry.  If I am really sick or if the Lord hits me spiritually; however, if someone else is crying it doesn't effect me. There are times I wish I could cry on the funerals or bad news. But, I just can't.
  • I am addicted (in a bad way) to chewy Werther's candy and Karmel Korn.  I just can't stop.  Sometimes I will end up on the junk aisle at the grocery store and buy a bag of Werther's and they will be gone in two days.   No joke.
  •  I watch E-News EVERYDAY.  Even on the weekends. 
  • I love to get up at 4:30 a.m.   
  • I've always wanted to work at Starbucks and/or a tanning bed for a week.  Starbucks so I could learn to make the drinks, and a tanning bed because it would be fun to schedule all the appointments. 
  • Sometimes I am grateful we don't have kids, so I can keep until noon with no worries. 
  •  I cannot stand people who are one way at church and another in public.  Be yourself.  That's the real person I want to know. 
  • The ONLY person who truly knows how I feel about everything is my husband.  I can't keep anything from him.  And, he is soooo patient.  In fact, the other night when I had a meltdown at 3am bc my blanket was scrunched up wrong and I couldn't get comfortable, he sweetly woke up, fixed my blanket, tucked me back in, kissed me goodnight, and I fell right to sleep. did I get so lucky. 
  •  One day I hope to own a Card shop in the mountains.  I love giving and receiving cards, and think it would be the ultimate way to spread love and cheer.   I know the inner Pollyanna is coming out again. However, I don't think I want to start on this adventure until I am mid-60s.  It'll give me something to look forward too.  
After reading this you may find that I am spoiled or too optimistic.  And, that's fine.  Just don't tell me. I like the motto What I don't know, I don't know.  And, I am fine with that!

1 comment

Leah said...

I like your confessions! And I am totally with you on the overwhelming to-do list. These snow days are nice, but they are starting to get a bit out of hand.

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