I can not believe we are only 2 days away from 2011!! Wow, how this year has flown. 2010 has been an incredible year. A lot has changed, yet so much as stayed the same. Life keeps me busy, yet life is still simple. Like many people, I have a lot of hopes and plans for 2011 and I enjoy making New Year's Resolutions and working hard throughout the year to keep them. The one question I asked myself is "In one year from today, how do you think your life will be different?"
I know that the Lord can change the directions of our lives in a blink of an eye, yet, I look at this question as what are my hopes, dreams, goals for 2011? How can life be different (in a good way) this time in 2011? Here are my goals for 2011:
1) Run a 5K - This will mean getting my butt into shape and running. However, it is possible.
2) Play a Round of Golf - My hubby LOVES to play golf, and I truly want to learn to play so we can spend time together when we are off.
3) Play Tennis More - I absolutely love playing tennis, and I miss taking time to play. Matt and I are pretty good, and its a sport we both enjoy.
4) Prepare and Take the APR Exam
5) Take Two (2) weekend trips!
6) Travel Somewhere I have never been!
7) Celebrate the Milestones in Life!!
Life keeps me busy, and many times I don't take time to REALLY celebrate Birthdays, Anniversary's, Babies Arriving and Baby Showers, Weddings, Retirements, etc. This year, I am hoping to really take time and make the people who mean the most to me, really feel loved and celebrate the MILESTONE in Life!!
8) Continue to Grow in my faith!! This past year, we have been so fortunate to become members at an amazing church, I got involved with Women's Ministry, and some of my dearest friends began a Summer/Fall Bible Study. In 2011, I hope to continue to grow my Christian Friendships and grow closer to the Lord.
Happy New Year to you!
Enjoyed your post too! Have an awesome 2011
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