Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Just a little update...........

 Taken at Biltmore a couple of weeks ago!!

So, as you can tell I haven't been motivated to write a lot lately.  Life is actually really calm these days, and I really don't have alot going on.  This is definitely a season of stillness and quietness in my life and I am "getting used to it."  LOL.  

I was so used to working all the time, and being involved with everything, that it is taking some time to get used to.  But, its a good thing.  The new job is going well, and life is just quiet.  Really quiet.

Bell's Update
Its been three week's since my diagnosis and I am 85% back to normal.  On Friday I noticed that almost ALL of my smile has come back (WOOHOO!!), and today I realized I could whistle again.  Ha!!!  Only a few small things to improve including my eyesight in my right eye and the rest of my smile. Its been an adventure, but so thankful that it has helped slow me down. 

Favorite Things Update
I haven't share some of my favorite things lately, so here goes. 
 Love! Love! Love this facial scrub. 

Amazing New Detergent from Tide.  Love the way our clothes smell. 

 Obsessed with this juice.  Have to drink a can each morning.  Delish. 

Already got my ferns for the front porch!!  Love getting ready for summer with flowers.  

Well that is about it.  We are currently planning our Anniversary Vacation, because if I don't see the beach soon I am going to go insane.  LOL!!  We are usually on vacay this week, so its a little hard to still be at home.  But, Matt's job won't allow us to travel right now, so here is wishing to sun, sand, and ocean soon. 

Have a great week!!

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