Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

IPhone Dump.........

I can honestly say that over the past month, life has truly been amazing.  I've truly taken time to get lots of rest, enjoy the quietness of life for once and get back to the basics.  

One of my sweet  friends gave me some wise advice back in February.  She encouraged me to take some time and hit the RESET button on my life, and get back to enjoying what was important to me. 

For someone who had been soooo devoted to just one area of my life, her advice came at the perfect time. So hence the blog break; however, I wanted to take a moment and share some of the fun memories that took place in January and February.  

Enjoy these sweet moments. 

I decorated for Valentine's Day this year!  
Its always hard after Christmas to go back to "normal decor," so I decided this year to add a few sweet touches to our home to help celebrate our love.  Cue Sappy Music

Here are a few last pics of my time with Visit Knoxville

1.  Attending the Tennessee Tourism Committee's Communication Sub-Committee Meeting in Nashville. What an incredible group of colleagues that I already miss greatly. 

2. and 3. Attending TACVB's Blizzard in Chattanooga.  Loved catching up with sweet friends during this conference. 

3. Finishing a Trade Show Booth for VK

Family Trip to Biltmore in January  
We had a blast with these two!!
Judging the 4-H Eastern Region Public Speaking Contest
Always one of my favorite events each year and always honored when they ask me to judge.

Oh the Olympics.  Always my favorite, and these pics just made my night. 

1. Couldn't have said it better. 
2. Now this is excitement.
3. Whoops - Poor 5th Ring
4. Here comes the 5th Ring....LOL.  (Yes, it still makes me laugh!!)

Best Facebook Post of the Night of the Opening Ceremonies!!  Ha!!!

 Snow, Snow, and More Snow!!
These are scenes from three (3) different snows and even capturing Matt walking to his car the day after he had to leave it down the street bc he couldn't get his car up the hill.
Also, the cat in the middle is the Davis Cat Buddy.  They are finally letting him inside after all these years.  LOL.  

 Spent an entire weekend watching Passion 2014!!
I love, love technolgy. 
 The best gift a gal could ask for from her sweet friend who goes to Disney.  
My sweet friend Laney brought me back two of these for me!  Now that's a friend!!

The Davis Boys!!
I love these three more than words can express.

I hate this pic is sooo blurry, but this is our sweet friends, The Parker Family, dedicating their sweet baby Eva Rose to the Lord at church.
I love the heart of this family and honored to celebrate with them.
This picture is blurry too, but this is our sweet friends Chris and Claudia receiving prayer at church bf Chris heads to the Middle East for a mission's trip.  Such a special day for our sweet friends!

Celebrating my Bro-In-Laws Birthday!!  
Too bad I didn't get any pics of him on that day.  LOL!!

 This saying summarizes my life over the past two months. 

Hope you enjoyed the pics!!  Exciting news coming tomorrow!!

Have a blessed Thursday!

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