Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

What I am Loving Wednesday!

Several years ago, I used to link up with several bloggers and share what I was lov'n that week!!  Its been ages since I've done such a thing, and thought what a fun way to kick off the new year than sharing some of the things I am loving..........

All Sons and Daughters - I am LOVING this worship CD!!  Its on repeat in our house, and its just playing the song of my heart!!

 Angie Smith's new book Chasing God is so relevant to me right now.  I love her humor as she shares her heart that we need to to STOP chasing the Lord and enjoy dwelling with Him! 

What a FUN Book!!  I love following Candace on Instagram, and really enjoying this fun book describing how we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!  

One of my favorite Christmas Gifts from my sweet hubby was a new Pandora Bracelet from their Essence collection.  The two beads signify Love and Stability. 
I am reminded how much the Lord loves me and brings structure and stability to my life.  The Lord has blessed me with an incredible man who provides so much love and support for me that words cannot express the depth of my gratitude and love for him. 

 A Weekend With My Very Best Friend!!  
Tiffany is coming in town this weekend, and I am soooo excited to have a girls weekend and enjoy catching up and spending some much needed time together.

This pic may look odd, but I just had to take it!  Since we have been at home for the holidays, "the boys" have taken up to spending every moment with me.  It doesn't matter where I am in the house or what I am doing, they are right by my side.  I giggle as I woke up this morning and they were all three snuggled up to me snooz'n. Love them so very much!!

 A new prayer journal!  This may seem odd to say, but I just love starting the new year with a new Prayer Journal.  It just makes me excited for all the Lord has in store for the coming year!!

I hope you have a blessed New Year's Day, and here is to an exciting 2014!!   

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