Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.


Its the last day of the year, and I can't help but post my annual "Year In Review!" This year has been different.  I came into 2013 thinking that life would settle down a little and I could get back to "normal" after 2012 was a crazy ride.  Yet, I found myself exhausted from the nonstop craziness that this year provided. Here are a few pics that capture the year:

  We kicked off January with SNOW!!!  And, lots of snow and ice!  I enjoyed being "snowed in" and just working from home and enjoying the quietness!

We hit the mountains with these two, and I LOVED it!!  
Celebrating their engagement and my sis-in-laws B-Day!!  We took a trip to the Titanic, and as you can see we had a GREAT time!!

I am soooo lucky to work with some of the best in the tourism industry.  
This was a trip to Cincinnati to meet with members of the media, and we truly laughed the entire time. Our memories are priceless!  Simply priceless!

Oh I heart these two!!  So much fun at work!! 

Wedding Showers!!!  LOVE celebrating a family wedding!!  We were sooo excited.

Biltmore Sunday!!  We started a new tradition of having brunch at Biltmore and then spending the afternoon seeing all the flowers!!  And, laughing at each other the entire time!

Best Day of the year, when this sweet friend became my sister!! 

And, loved that my parents were able to be part of the BIG Day!!

Summer only means one thing..........BUFFETT!!   We had a great time in Cincinnati seeing Jimmy!

This summer also brought on our last time serving as Chairs of the Chamber Ambassador Program.  I spent over three years co-leading this program and the memories are priceless!!

Celebrating the launch of our new Marketing Campaign!!

Setting up for United Way's Kickoff Breakfast!!

A much needed vacay to SC with my sweetie!!

Couldn't have made it through the last 2 years without this gal!!  

Attending the dedication of the new EK House at UT!!

One of my favorite memories was attending Honor Air's arrival at TYS this fall with our small group.  Simply life changing event!!  So honored to have been in attendance. 

Taking a break to go on a historical cemetery tour with these fabulous ladies!!

I did something that I haven't done since Middle School. I took a painting class with the ladies in our small group. We had a fantastic time, and I think I did okay!

And, finally we decorated for Christmas!!  
My Top Songs of 2013

I love, love, love worship music!!  I just feel calm and love how close I feel to the Lord when I can sing to Him!!  
  • Oceans by Hillsong
  • Mercy by Matt Redman 
  • We Glorify Your Name by Chris Tomlin
  • Arms Wide Open - Hillsong 

Top 5 Things I Learned in 2013

Treasure Close Friends!  Stay connected, and tell them how much they mean to you!! 

Treasure Family!  Count each day that you have together a blessing.  Life is too short, and the older I get the more I appreciate and love my sweet family.  

Our Words are Powerful.  You know that saying - Sticks and Stones.....well, that saying needs to be thrown out the window! Words have power.  They can lift someone up with encouragement, or they can crush a person.  Always let your words be uplifting, encouraging, forgiving, understanding, and sincere. 

"All that matters to me is my faith!  All that matters to me is knowing Jesus and making His name known. This saying wraps up my life - "I fear more the disapproval of God more than I do the disapproval of men." - Rick Warren.  I want people to really know God, to experience a true relationship with Him.  I know that's not popular, but I don't want to be popular.  I want to be faithful."

God is in Control.  I have struggled so much this year with worry and anxiety, which led to severe exhaustion and chaos.  The over-thinking and "what-ifs" have beaten my mind until it could not process anymore.  As I move forward, my life will reflect my trust in the Lord and that I know He is in control!!

Have a blessed 2014!!! 

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