WOW……’s the last day of November, can you believe we only have 31 days until 2012??? Crazy thought!! I thought I would celebrate the last day of the month wrapping up my THANKFUL List for 2011!!
November 21 – Thankful for Friendships that I can just “pick up” and go with. I have several friendships that mean so much to me, and its not because I get to see those friends often, its because when I do see those friends, we just pick up from where we left off. My good friend Nikki is truly one of the biggest blessings the Lord has ever given me. We met our freshman year of high school, and have been close ever since. We always pick up where we left off, and I know she is always there no matter what!!
November 22 - Thankful for Living in East Tennessee – I grew up in Northeast Tennessee, and now live in Knoxville. I absolutely love the Smoky Mountains, the slower pace of life, and the people in East Tennessee. Its simply the best place to live!! And, the fact that my job is to promote our city throughout the country and world is great too!
November 23 - Thankful for my Church Parents – When I returned home after college, I started attending a different church than the one I grew up in. I became a member; however, I did not have any close friends or family that I could consistently sit with and talk to each week. (This came after years of being involved in the church.) The Montgomery’s quickly “claimed” me, and I became their Church Daughter and “Sister” to their son. Over the years, I still feel like part of their family. I love them so very much, and so blessed the Lord has given me an “additional set” of parents/close friends!!
November 24 – Thankful for my In-Laws - The Davis Family is so special to me, and I love them so very much. They are very giving and loving, and couldn’t ask to be part of a better family.
November 25 – Thankful for my friendship with my sweet friend Kristy – I met Kristy in 2006, and to say I adore her is an understatement. She dates my Bro-In-Law, and truly like a sister to me. She is so giving and loving, and I just love that we are able to share so many fun things together.
November 26 – I am thankful for quiet mornings, that are “me” time – My ultimate FAVORITE time of day is from the hours of 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m. This is the time I spend with the Lord in prayer and worship, and the time that I cherish so very much.
November 27-I am thankful that most years we are able to take a beach vacation – For the past 5 years, Matt and I have gone on two beach vacations a year. However, this summer we gave up our vacation to help fund buying a house. Missing a year at the beach, makes me thankful for all the years I was able to take a vacay and enjoy the waves. I am hoping we will make our trip again next year.
November 28 – Thankful for my friendship with Ryana – My good friend Ryana (pronounces RE-ANA) has always been a person “set apart” for greatness. Growing up, she was consistently challenging herself, and often going out for things that were “beyond” her reach. However, she never settled for the word “no,” she kept digging deeper to reach her goals. On Monday, she departed for a two-year ministry opportunity to Cambodia. I am so proud of her, and praise the Lord in advance for all He is doing in her life.
November 29 - I am thankful that I finally desire children – For years, I had no feelings or desire to have children. However, as I have gotten older and settled into our house, my thoughts are turning more and more to having kids. Matt and I often laugh at toys we want to buy him or her, and names we would pick out too!! Ha!! And, hopefully, Lord willing, we can adopt a child to be part of our family too. I think it is the GREATEST gift you can offer a child, and I have felt for many years, that this is a direction I pray the Lord will take us. HOWEVER, Matt and I are totally dependent on the Lord for direction and decisions with any child in our lives at this time. We wait patiently on the Lord, and He will guide us in the direction He wants us to go. Psalm 119:105!!
November 30 – I am thankful for an incredible month filled with love and thankfulness - I have LOVED spending the Month giving Thanks, and reading everyone else’s blessings. God is a God of peace, goodness, love, mercy, and grace, and I am thankful for all His blessings each day!!
Hope you had a blessed November, and looking forward to the Holiday Month ahead!!

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