Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Thankful for Family!!

This is my good friend Dustin's official Black Friday Shirt - I LOVE IT!! 

Thanksgiving 2011 was simple, delicious, and very relaxed.  Only three of us at the kids table this year; however, I enjoyed the time I got to spend with my immediate family, and I am looking forward to Christmas..........only a month from today!  I have so much to do over the next four (4) weeks, but for now I am going to enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday!!

 I also thought this would a great time to link up to my favorite Friday Blog - Fill in the Blanks Friday!!

1.   Waking up at the break of dawn to go shopping is my idea of     was my holiday tradition for the past several years; however, with all the stores opening at midnight,it didn't feel right this year.  So I am skipping Black Friday and sleeping in.

2.   If I were to go shopping today I would be on the hunt for   a rain coat, a 19 inch tv for our kitchen, and rain boots from JC Penneys (they look exactly like the Jimmy Choos rain boots this year! 

3.  The best thing I ate yesterday was    stuffed sweet potato balls.  Sweat Potatoes mixed with coconut, and wrapped around a marshmallow.  YUM! 

4. Something I've been learning lately is    its not about trying to be perfect, its about living a life of excellence in all that I do.  

5.  I cannot start my day without    time with the Lord.  Over the past year, I have really made it a priority to spend quiet time each morning with the Lord, and I can honestly say my life has never been the same.  Simply amazing.  

6.  My nighttime attire consists of    comfy PJ pants and an Old Navy T-Shirt. 

7.  I am looking forward to    the Christmas Holiday Season.  I have a fun Birthday weekend planned in Atlanta, a family get-together, Christmas shopping, and hopefully watching classic Christmas movies at the historic Tennessee Theatre.  

Have a great Black Friday!! 

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