Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Prayer Request ............

Allison, Nikki, myself, and Ryana - 2009

Instead of writing about the holidays, my wish list, fun Christmas activities, I am coming to you today with a BIG prayer request.  One of my dearest friends is getting ready to embark on a two-year journey that the Lord has led her to for this season of her life.  My sweet friend, Ryana DeArmond, is heading to Cambodia this Monday for 24-months of serving some of the world's poorest children and families.  

This is a picture of the kitchen she will be cooking in each day.  

Ryana will be teaching culinary classes throughout the week to orphans who have been a victim to sex trafficking.  She will be working for The Center for Global Impact.  Ryana went to Culinary School at Sullivan University, and this is truly the hand of God that is taking her to this poverish country. 

Kids in Cambodia Playing - Ry visited earlier this year, and the stories she tells are just heart wrenching. 

I am praying for: Protection for her Safety & Health, Boldness in sharing her Faith, Encouragement in times of Doubt, and a Peace that the Grace of God will give her the Words and Actions to Love on these precious children and minister to their needs

Will you join me in lifting up Ryana during this time of travel and as she gets settled into her new "home."  Also, praying for her family has they adjust to her being away and serving the Lord.  It will be hard to let her go; however, what the Lord wills, we will praise Him.

And to end with a funny..............
This picture makes me laugh..........its compliments of a guy who sat next to Ry at the UTK Game earlier this year.  He made Balloon Animals the Entire Game, and this is Smokey who made it through the storm!  Makes me Laugh just thinking of this random guy making balloons and releasing them throughout the game.  Ry, Kristy,and I laughed the entire time!!  


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