Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Its Friday..........and this week has been a blur!

It seems like time goes by faster and faster the older I get, and this week is no exception.  In a blink of an eye, I went from Monday - Friday and I can't explain where the time went.  Within the past five days, I have successfully:

Cooked three (3) dinners. (Record........I know!)
Caught up with phone calls to three (3) close friends.
Found a house we are interested in looking at again.
And, finalized my hubby's B-Day Gift. 

All while balancing everything else life offers.  Yet, I can honestly say that throughout all the busyness, I am  reminded of how faithful the Lord truly is. God is so Good. 

So, you may be wondering why its 2:55 a.m. and I am actually posting a "LIVE" post.  The reason has to do with the major storms in Knoxville.  So during this time, I thought I would take a moment to participate in this week's Fill in the Blanks Friday.   Here we Go:

1. The last thing I ate was      Leftover Baked Chicken Salad. favorite.

2.  The next thing I'd like to eat is  a protein bar, 16 oz. of water, followed by a diet coke.

3.  The best thing     in my life is my husband.  My Life is so rich with him in it, and I am a better person because of him. 

4.  Something that makes me supremely and utterly happy is turning on the surround sound in our home, listening to some Jimmy, and just simply relaxin

5.  Sports are   so much fun to watch.  And, great to play.  As for watching.....nothing can touch watching football in the Fall.  

6.  I miss  my best friend, and can't wait till she is BACK in Knoxville.  

7.  Right now I am  looking forward to what the day, week, and months have ahead for us. Exciting things happening.  

Finally, check out this yummy wedding cake.  Does it not make you crave a Rice Krispy treat?  Ha!  Just had to share.  
 Have a blessed Friday!!!


Sailor July said...

I feel the exact same way about my wife! She is my soul mate, my best friend and the most important person in my life. ♥ Sounds like you two have a gorgeous relationship. ^_^

Also, do you mean listening to Jimmy Buffett? Because if you do - AWESOME! I love his music!!!

The Michelle Show said...

Haha our posts today are almost identical! Great minds think alike?

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