Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Thankful Thursday!!!

I don't know about you, but this week has really tried to kick my butt. I've been really busy at work, and every night this week we have been busy having dinner with friends, working, or catching some Tennessee Basketball. Tonight is the first time in 5 nights that my hubby and I have been at home at the same time. I cooked dinner tonight, and then spent a little time finishing the book I got for Valentine"s Day. Yes, its been a very nice evening.

In trying to slow things down this evening, I think tonight would be a great night to celebrate Thankful Thursday. This always gives me a chance to take a break from the stresses of life and think of the blessings I have and the things in life that I am thankful for. With always staying so busy, its nice to be reminded that we have so much to be thankful for.

I am thankful I get to spend the weekend with my parents.

I'm thankful for the amazing marriage and husband
the Lord has blessed me with.
God's Timing is Always Perfect.

I am thankful I still get to sleep in on the weekends!!!

I am thankful that I get to laugh all day, everyday. Work, Home, and In Between. The Lord has truly surrounded with some of the funniest people I know that make me truly enjoy life everyday.

I am thankful that our hotel is Booked and Our Plans Are Made to See Joyce Meyer in April! Its a weekend with my momma that I am so excited about.

Have a blessed rest of the week, and a great weekend!!!


Suzanne said...

Hi Kim!
That's a wonderful idea to have Thankful Thursdays.
I have joined the blogging world! I hope you will consider becoming a "follower" of my blog.
:) Suzanne

Allison said...

To still get to sleep in....GIVE THANKS I SAY!!!! Give thanks!

KimberlyMDavis said...

Suzanne, YEAH! I am so excited that you are blogging. We need to get together soon. My schedule has been crazy, but I can't wait to see you soon.

KimberlyMDavis said...

Allison - Love to know I am not the only one who enjoys a sleeping in.

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