Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Enjoying My Last Day of Christmas Vaction

I've been off for 14 of the past 15 days, and I can truly say that I have really enjoyed my days of vacation. We got to spend a lot of time with our family, a few close friends, lots of rest, and getting our home organized for the New Year.

As I begin 2010, and finally leave my house for the first time in three days, I thought I would share a few of my New Year's Resolutions:

1. Complete 2 In-Depth Bible Studies, covering 2 Books of the Bible that I have not studied before.

2. Make a Habit of Syncing my Blackberry, Outlook Calendar, and Planner Often (this will help me tremendously with organizing my schedule.)

3. Travel Somewhere that I have never been before.

4. Find a Ministry to Get Involved With and Volunteer My Time Often.

5. Go for a Hike

6. Learn to Play Golf (Finally using all the clubs, glove, and golf shoes that I have bought throughout the year.) & Play a Round of Golf with my husband.

7. Begin playing Tennis Again.

8. Learn and Cook 30 New Dinner Recipes (For One Night a Month)

9. Read 12 New Books (One Per Month)

10. Travel to Visit a Friend (Further than 2 hours away.)

I'm truly looking forward to 2010......and all the things that lay ahead. my final day of rest!!


Joyce said...

Thanks for following my blog...I see you are from inlaws are in Maryville and my husband and I met at ETSU...small world!

Love your have some really good ones there...Happy New Year!

Lisa Smith said...

You are really inspiring!! We will hold tight to Isaiah 41 together.
Tell me about the book, The Sunflower...I love, love sunflowers. Do I need to read it?

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