I found this trend with a few bloggers use, and thought it would be lots of fun!!!
4 jobs I've had:
1. Soap Seller (Crabtree & Evelyn)
2. Press Office Assistant (Senator Frist Office)
3. Public Relations Coordinator (TN Valley Fair)
4. Development Director (Ronald McDonald House)
4 movies watched over and over:
1. Something's Gotta Give
2. Serendipity
3. The Holiday
4. Devil Wears Prada
4 places I've lived:
1. Bluff City, TN
2. Johnson City, TN
3. Knoxville, TN
4. Washington DC
4 shows I watch:
1. Biggest Loser
2. Rachel Zoe Project
3. E! News
4. Giuliana and Bill Show
4 places I've been:
1. Paris, France
2. Zug, Switzerland
3. London
4. New Orleans
4 people who e-mail me regularly:
1. My mom.
2. My Aunt.
3. Ambassador E-Mails: Brooke & Lisa
4. Tiffany
4 favorite things to eat:
1. Bread
2. Chocolate Sprinkled Doughnuts
3. Cheese
4. Fruit
4 places I'd rather be:
1. At home with our families.
2. Bora Bora
3. Alaska
4. Switzerland
4 things I look forward to this year:
1. Vacation
2. Knowing God better
3. My good friend Melanie's Wedding
4. Thinking more about adding to our family.........
4 blogs I love to read:
1. LPM BLOG - Beth Moore's Blog
2. Annie's Eyes
3. Baby Bangs
4. Kelley's Korner
Hope this lets you know about me. Also, I wanted to share a picture from yesterday's wedding. More details coming soon. We had a great time, and loved spending time with good friends.
Hope you a blessed weekend. We have a busy weekend ahead, and are excited to spend more time with our friends and family.
Lots of Love,
Loved your list! Okay, since you are Dustin's cousin, I am sure you know my very best friend in the whole wide world...Kim Woods now Hash. She went to church with Dustin and his sister, and Amber, Jamie, and Emilee. I am still just amazed at what a small world it is!
Ok i think you and i need to get together to eat, watch tv and movies! Those are some of my favorites foods, shows, and movies of all time.
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