Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Moving to the country..........

Its official.  We finally found a new home and moved in a few weeks ago!! Life lately has been a little crazy with work being busy, moving, setting up the house, and getting into our new routine. Once we get settled in, I will begin working on decorating blog posts and showing you a little glimpse into our new home. 

When we were looking for a house, I really wanted to live in the "country."  I wanted to have lots of land to look at out my windows, and the area to be really quiet.  I didn't mind being in a neighborhood, but really wanted to part of the country were it was just a little quiet piece of the world.

After months and months of looking, we finally found the perfect place.  We actually bought a house that was built last year and had all the features we were looking for in a house.  I finalize our moving announcements last night and those will be going out in the mail soon.

As for the transition back to our hometown, things are going great.  We have both settled into our jobs well, and now we are getting settled into our new house.  Next, we are prayerfully looking for a new church and then we will start getting involved in the community again.  One step at a time.

My blog posts will probably be a little sporadic for the next few weeks, but hopefully by the Fall I will get back into the routine.

Until then, here is a pic of our new home.....

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