Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

2014............. A Year of Transition

When looking back through my "Year In Review" blog post from last year, I realized that I described 2013 as "Exhausting."  Its no wonder that as soon as 2014 began I started making MAJOR life changes, because exhausting was not the way I wanted to spend 2014.

This year has been a good year, with a lot of ups and only a few downs.  I am thankful for the rest and peace the Lord has provided for me, and I'm looking forward to all that 2015 has in store.

Here is 2014 in Review............

In January, we kicked off the year with a fun trip to Biltmore with our favorite traveling couple.  

We also started the year with a little snow! 

I also decided to say good bye to my job!  

In February, I was honored to judge the annual Eastern Region 4H Public Speaking Contest.  
I love judging this event, and its become a tradition every February. 

We also celebrated by brother-in-law's 40th Birthday!! I loved this cake, titled "Road to 40!"

I also got to see some of my favorite people! 
My Church Parents & My Best Friend Tiffany

And, of course the Sochi Olympics!!!  
My favorite post from the Olymics was from my friend John and its worth re-sharing:

In March, I officially ended my Stay-at-Home Wife Life!
However, I did enjoy the spring like days where I was able to do some great Bible Studies. 

I was blessed to go to work for Ripley PR in Maryville.  
I had an incredible time working with entire team!!

The Ripley PR Team kicking off a planning meeting in style! 

One Down of 2014 was being diagnoised with Bell's Palsey. 
Luckliy for me, I only had it mildly and after 5 weeks I was back to normal.  

We visited Biltmore several times this Spring (benefits of having season tickets), and really enjoyed seeing all the flowers! 

Love this man, and so blessed to call him my hubby. 

In July, we headed to Florida for a fun weekend getaway at Pensacola Beach.  We had an awesome time, and definilty somewhere we will visit again,  

Of course, fall brought FOOTBALL!!!   We headed to a few games and enjoyed watching our vols. 

In October, we headed back to the beach with Jamie and Kristy.
So blessed to call this sweet friend my sister.  
I simply love our family.

In November, I was asked to speak at Sigma Kappa's annual Founder's Day Luncheon.
There were about 300+ women in attendance, and here are some of my favs!

Lisa and I got to celebrate the birth of Baby Thurman #3 with our sweet friend Brooke.

In November, I also joined the Birthplace of Country Music team!!  
And, within the first month I was able to travel to D.C and Nashville (and, finally made it to Pucketts)

In December, I celebrated my 35th Birthday with my sweet hubby!  
It was the perfect day.

We ended the year by celebrating Christmas with our family and even taking time for some holiday traditions with our sweet friends, Marisa and Todd. 

Here is to a GREAT 2015.

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