Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Weekend Recap and Cheers to a Short Week!

This weekend was nice.  Last week almost kicked my butt, and I really started feeling stressed and almost to the point of being really frustrated.  When I got home Friday night, I was ready for a nice quiet weekend.  Matt was off all weekend, and we took advantage of our time together!  Friday night we headed to dinner and then got the ingredients that I needed for a couple of dishes I had to make Saturday morning for Women's Ministry. By the time we got home, I was just worn out from the week, so we just chilled and caught up with our DVRs.  

Saturday morning, I got up a little before 6:00 a.m. and began cooking Hash-brown Casserole and Sausage Balls.  I left the house before 8:00 a.m. headed to NorthStar for our Women's Ministry Breakfast.  I love getting together with these women, and its always great catching up.  I left a little early bc we had to go and meet Matt's Brother and his girlfriend Kristy for a day in the mountains.  We had a GREAT time, and I always love getting together with them.  :-) 

Kristy and I enjoying some time catching up! 

 Matt and I loving the time together with family! 

Favorite pic of the night.........gotta love "Henry"

We got home around 8:00 p.m, and Matt climbed in bed and was out.  I waited until 9:00 p.m. and then hit the hay.  The next thing I knew, it was 12:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoon.  Whew......I slept 15+ hours and when I woke up I felt like I had been run over.  I don't know if we are trying to get the sickness everyone else has had, but we were both just out of it.  We even slept most of Sunday afternoon.  However, we did finally get up and get the house clean, laundry done, and everything organized for the week ahead.  Here's hoping that we can keep this sickness away. 

In looking ahead, this week is going to be a short week. I am only working a couple of days, and spending the rest of the week off enjoying my Birthday!  We have exciting plans for the week, and I am hoping to knock out the majority of my Christmas list this week!  Woohoo!!  I am also hoping that I can get my Christmas Cheer back, as it seems that lately my mood and attitude has been a little in a funk.  LOL!  I miss my "old-self" the one that was always happy and excited, and I am determined to find that girl again.  :-)

Have a great week!! 

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