Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Mid-Week Update!!!

Whew........this week is flying by and lots has happened since my last post on Sunday!  I truly enjoyed the Oscars, and can't believe I stayed up until 3:00 a.m. watching the "after parties".  Monday, I was surprisingly rested and my day was productive.  It rained all day, and by 4:00 p.m. it had rained so much, that many main roads were flooded. It made getting home.....VERY INTERESTING!!  Here are some pics from the flood:

Picture of Broadway in North/East Knoxville
A Road to a Middle School, the kids could not leave until after 6:30 p.m. because of the flooding. 

 Even Emergency trucks were having a hard time getting around town! 

Cedar Bluff Road - Near my home! 

After I FINALLY made it home, I quickly packed and headed to meet a friend, and we headed to Nashville for an early Tuesday morning meeting.  We took our time, and only ran into a little fog.  Was so thankful we made it safely. 

On Tuesday, we woke up early and spent all day on Capitol Hill in Nashville.  We spoke to legislatures and  key leaders about a variety of tourism/hospitality topics.  We had a great time walking throughout the Senate and House offices, and even watching some committee meetings.  We were literally were on our feet from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m., and even though we were exhausted, we had a GREAT time. 

We had it back to Knoxville late Tuesday evening, and today I was moving a little slow.  I think the  lack of sleep and tiring days as caught up to me.  Had a good day at work, and I am finally home from work and fixed dinner for my hubby.   Tomorrow, I looking forward to the Agape Basketball Game and spending the evening with good friends. 

Hope your week is going well!!! 

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