Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.


Thank Goodness its Saturday!!!   I have no plans today and looking forward to a day of relaxing, cleaning, and getting a little organized. This past week has been busy, yet very productive.

I am feeling A LOT better, and officially OFF ALL meds.  Woohoo!!  I even started venturing out to many business and Chamber events this week, so I know I am feeling better. I was feeling so good on Wednesday, that I decided to fill my office with a doz. yellow roses.  We have a great flower shop in downtown Knoxville, and I had them put me together a fun boutique of flowers. 

Work is going great, and I actually felt like I got a lot accomplished this week.  I only had a few meetings, and really enjoyed taking it easy this week.  And, I am proud of myself for getting home before 7 p.m. on most nights.  Which, helped me rest and eat a good "healthy" dinners.  And, of course I had to catch my favorite TV  SHOWS. 

I am LOVING American Idol this season, and I was pulled into watching the two-hour specials on both Wednesday and Thursday Nights.  And, of course I made time to watch GLEE, one of my new favorites!!!

I so want Brittany's leg-warmers for my arms!!!!

One of the highlights of my week was reading to a group of 2nd graders at Sarah Moore Green Elementary School in East Knoxville.  I love the group of kids, and it just puts life into perspective when you see life through the eyes of a second grader. 

We ended the week with dinner with family and friends at Calhoun's.  We had a lot of fun catching up with my Bro-In-Law, Kristy, and their friends Chad and Ashley.  I wish I had taken a pic, but I walked out the door without my camera and didn't think about the camera on my phone.  

As for the weekend, I got up this morning and headed to the nail salon to get my nails done.  This afternoon, I am hoping to get laundry finished, home cleaned, and a little rest in.  

Finally, I wanted to share an article I read this week from Harper's Bazaar on Hillary Clinton.  I loved the article, and just had to share. 

Have a great weekend!!!  

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