Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Motivation Monday - Goals and Organization

Over the past several years, I have worked hard to develop a personal system to help me be more productive, purposeful, and thoughtful in my day-to-day life.  After years of trying so many planners, project management systems, journals, and everything in between below are four must have products I use in my day-to-day life.  These products are four things I would not want to live without.  

Powersheets, She Read's Truth Study, Val Marie Prayer Journal, and Full Focus Planner

1. Powersheets by Cultivate what Matters 

Over the past several years, I have used Lara Casey's Powersheets to help me plan goals for the year as well as help me stay on track to achieve those goals.  This year was no different and in October I snagged my 2020 copy of Powersheets and spent the month of December doing the prep work and setting my goals.  The prep work took me about a week at the beginning of December, followed by the week between Christmas and New Year's Day when I finalized my annual goals and prepped my tending list for January. 

Without further ado, below are my top 7 Goals for 2020.

1. Read God's Word Everyday
2. Clean Up My Eating
3. Workout Consistently
4. Read 20 Books in 2020
5. Develop a consistent morning routine
6. Attend Church Regularly

After I set my goals, the next step was to break these goals into monthly, weekly, and daily goals for each month and then I just work the plan.

2. Val Marie's Prayer Journal
This is my second year using this prayer journal, and let me tell you its a game changer.  At the beginning of each month I fill out needs that are on my heart for our country, my community, loved ones, and personal prayer requests.  Then each day I spend time praying over one or two sections of the journal.  I also write 3 things I am thankful for each morning in this journal, as well as every Saturday I write a longer prayer in the journal too.  I love having a record of things I was praying for a year ago, and watching the Lord move in so many beautiful ways. 

3. She Reads Truth Bible Study
In 2020, I decided to subscribe to She Reads Truth bible studies, and so far I am loving it.  I have done a few studies from She Reads Truth in the past, but nothing consist.  During the recent Advent study, I was in awe by all the new things the Lord revealed to me in His Word through the study.  The monthly subscription is only $20 per month, and I felt like this was a great investment into learning more about the Lord through His Word each day. The current study is Genesis, and then Philippians for two weeks, and then a Jeremiah study for Lent.  I am sooo excited.

4. Micheal Hyatt and Company's Full Focus Planner
I have literally used this planner since it came out a few years ago, and to say its a game changer is an understatement.  I am more productive and successful in my work life than I have ever been, and its all because this planner.  If you are looking for a productivity system that will help you be extremely successful at work and at home, GET THIS PLANNER.  Its a game changer!

Bonus Items
Item #1 - I also really like using Michael Hyatt's Full Focus JournalI am not linking it, because its currently SOLD OUT and I am unsure if they are bringing it back.  This journal is perfect for daily reflection and seeing patterns in your life.  

Item #2 - TeamWork.  Hands down this is my favorite project management system.  I implemented this system within our marketing team over five years ago, and its been a game changer.  We are a lot more productive, and TeamWork keeps us from being overwhelmed and stressed from the crazy workload.  I wish I had this product 15 years ago when I was starting my professional career, but I am so glad I can use it now.  This is one thing that I could not live without as a leader.  

There you have it.  These items used in tandem help me keep my head clear and vision for moving forward.   I would love to hear what items you use to keep your life organized.

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