Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

What I'm Loving Wednesday............. Hair Edition

Its Wednesday, and what better way to get over the mid-week slump than to share some of my favorite hair products for summer!  I've used Aveda Products for ages, and here are some of my favs......

1. DryBar Hair Dryer - I LOVE this hairdryer!  It dries my hair super fast, and leaves my hair looking shining and full of volume.

2. Brilliant Shampoo by Aveda

3. Smooth Infusion Conditioner by Aveda

4. Brilliant Damage Control Sprayer by Aveda- Amazing detangler and helps protect from the heat
Phomollent Moose by Aveda- Awesome for style-prep

5. Air Control Hair Spray by Aveda

6. Hot Rollers

7. Straighter

I wash, dry, and style my hair in about 30  minutes.  Style is super easy with hot rollers, and I've been using them since I was in middle-school! 

Happy Wednesday my friends!

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