Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

A Little Under the Weather............

Good Thursday Morning. After three days of a busy work schedule, battling a small cold, and trying to get caught up on sleep, I am truly ready for the weekend. I woke up Monday morning, feeling refreshed and better than I had in weeks. On Tuesday, I woke up with a sore throat, headache, sinus junk, and feeling less than stellar. I luckily, had a doctors appointment schedule for a follow-up appointment for some meds I am taking on Tuesday afternoon, and it was a GREAT time to talk to my Doc. about how I was feeling. He reassured me it was a small sinus cold, and I headed home and ended up sleeping 14 hours Tuesday afternoon and night.

This morning, I am feeling a lot better, and I hope by Saturday I will be back to my normal self. Sometimes, I take feeling good for granted. Its not that I am not grateful, for I know my health is a gift from God. However, many times I forget how valuable this gift is. That is, until I get sick.

Its days like this week, that remind me how important it is to take care of our bodies. Eating healthy and in moderation, daily exercising, Supplementing, hydrating, and sleeping are so important in staying well. My prayer this week, as I have taken lots of time to rest, is that the Lord will restore my desire to take care of my body and the Holy Spirit will give me strength and power to overcome guilty temptations (eating bad, not exercising, staying up too late, etc.), so that I will be able to serve Him to the fullest each and every day.

On a different note, I am so excited that our cable provider FINALLY added Oxygen network to our On Demand list, and they added one of my FAVORITE shows: TORI & Dean. I have taken a little time to watch a couple episodes to get caught up with Season 5. I hope to watch more over the weekend. I just love this show, and I am thrilled they are FINALLY on ON DEMAND.

Have a great Thursday!!!

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