Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

4 Down 62 to Go!!!

I finished another Book of the Bible over the weekend, and I am very excited and extremely motivated as I move forward. The Book of Numbers was a much easier read than Leviticus, and I truly enjoyed learning about all the Feasts and details on the wonderings in the desert. I am still so thankful for the group of women I read along with each day. They are truly amazing, and I am honored the Lord has placed us together ONLINE to take this journey. Its still not too late to join in, you can click here and jump on into Deuteronomy today.

The Book of Numbers covers 39 years and begins with the Lord telling Moses to number the people and get them organized for a trip. The Book closes with the Israelites poised near the banks of the Jordan River with the promised land in sight. The wanderings in the desert have come to an end, and the people are preparing for their next big move - the conquest of the land. Yet, the story found in the middle is truly a story of the Lord teaching us how to be faithful and unmoving.

The Overall Theme of Numbers: "You will experience terrible failure and crushing conflict on the road that leads to where the Lord is taking you, but it is the right road even when it feels like its killing you.

Lessons I took from Numbers:

  • When we have wronged others, we ought to do more than apologize. We should look for ways to set matters right and, if possible, leave the victim even better off than we we harmed him or her.
  • I am always asking the Lord to bless those on my heart as I pray, and these verses truly let me understand what a blessing is suppose to be: Bless and keep them (favor and protect), Make His face shine upon them (be pleased), Be gracious (merciful and compassionate), Turn his face toward them (give his approval), and Give peace
  • Divine authority is so important to a believer's life and its in that secret place under the shadow of the Almighty, where there is liberty, provision, and protection. Staying under the authority the Lord places in my life, always bring me freedom and a lot more peace.
  • Do I subtly think that things going well in life is really living? I am so guilty of saying YES to this question. I truly enjoy the "good times" and the easiness in the road of the everyday life. When life "settles down" and the season in my life that is quiet and well planned out. Its almost like I can exhale and "enjoy" what the Lord has for me.
Yet, as I think and pray about this question, I know that I am settling on what the Lord
has planned for my life. I am living in a safety net and not truly believing that He is in
Control. I need to let go and just live. Embracing the change (in my plans, in my life, and
most of all change in the way I feel safe.)

These were a few take-aways from Numbers. I hope each of you is having a great start to your week. Love Ya,

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