Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Oh Monday.......

I woke up this morning with a little snow on the ground, and knew it was not enough to keep me from work. I took my time getting ready, and by the time I got to work at 8:45 a.m. there was no one there??? Where was everyone? As the day went by, only one other person came in the whole day. Which was wonderful. I got lots accomplished, and I am beginning to feel like I am getting a handle on several grants I am working on.

A good friend of mine called this afternoon, and we met for dinner and totally ate tooo much. But, it was so nice to spend time catching up and getting out of the house a little. She always teases me that I am a hermit in the winter, and she does not see me from December through March. So, I surprised her and went out to dinner last minute.

Good friendships are such blessings. In college I always thought you needed 100s of friends to make myself feel valued and loved, yet the older I get I"ve realized that I only need a few close friends to make my life so rich. I am thankful for good friends. I am blessed beyond what I deserve.

And to Give Honor to Some of My Long Lasting is a pic from 3-years ago from my Girls Weekend in Atlanta.

Love You All,

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