This Pic was on my 3rd Birthday!!
Last weekend I passed a milestone birthday: 20....wait, 30...Whoops...GEEZ...I can't even type it......which means only one thing:
My parents are getting reeeeeeeeeallly old!
Well, here's the truth--as much as I have made a big deal about turning 30, I'm not really sad about it. Only a little.
My twenties have been very good to me, and I've learned a lot of great life lessons in the past ten years that I will share with you now (in true blog form) and in no particular order:
1) You Don't Know All That You Think You Know
When I got out of college, I pretty much thought I knew it all. I was pompous, haughty, and often frustrated with others that weren't on the same "let's hurry up and change the world right NOW" path as I was. I worked 40 hours a week in college, took 22 hours a semester in class, President of many organizations, and I just didn't understand why everyone was not as driven as I was. I moved to DC immediatly after graduating, and that is where I met people who were driven just like me. And even though Washington was my Career Disney World, I began to realize how tough the working world was truly going to me. I moved home and embarked on a three year, five jobs (two at the same time), adventure. The more time that went by, the more I realized I didn't know jack squat about life. Even now, I continue to find this the case---the more you learn, the more you realize you don't know anything.
2) Being a Wife is Job #1
I enjoy being married and love being Matt's wife. My husband brings so much laughter, support, and love to our home, and that I truly miss him when we are not together. I know my words and actions must always be selfless, and my words must always be uplifting. We truly love our three "boys", and our family is the most important thing to me. And I am so thankful to the gifts the Lord has given me.
3) Relationships Matter Most
It doesn't matter what you know. Who are your friends? How is your family? You can tell a lot about a person by what kind of company they keep.
I am truly blessed by the friends the Lord has blessed me with. I have good friends throughout the entire US, and I am blessed to have many friends who are just a phone call away.
4) Shutup and Listen
I don't ever learn anything when I'm the one doing the talking. It pays to listen to those older and wiser than you. Also, I'm not a big fan of interrupting. Sometimes you just need to shut up and listen.
5) Laziness Doesn't Put Food on the Table
Work hard, my friends, otherwise you're going to go hungry. Gone are the days of the cushy jobs with big salaries. Nobody can afford that anymore. You're going to have to earn your keep. So work hard.
In attempts not to get tooo bloogy and legnthy - Here are few other Life Lessons:
6)No matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should be. Either you succeed or you learn something. Win-Win.
7) Complaining is like slapping yourself for slapping yourself. It doesn’t solve the problem, it just hurts you more.
8) The one with nothing to hide is always the one left standing tall. (Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. Luke 16:10)
9) Remember, change happens for a reason. Roll with it. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.
10) I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.
11) MOST IMPORTANT - Trust God. Period. When life is going great it is so easy to Praise Him, yet, when challenges come our way WORSHIP the Lord and Trust Him. Isn't that what Worship is all about...........praising God even when life's tough.
In closing, let me say this:
Thank you to all that have been a friend in the past 10 years. I'm grateful for you and the role you've played during my twenties. Let the next decade be even more glorious!
Be Blessed!!!
Note: Some Life Lessons were taken from blogs from Blogger.
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