Over the last 10 weeks, I have had the opportunity to spend every Tuesday Night with an amazing group of ladies from Central Baptist in Fountain City for our weekly Beth Moore Bible Study.
Now, its important to know that I do not attend Sunday Church at Central Baptist; however, I have never felt more loved, accepted, and cherished as I do each Tuesday with these amazing women, who just love on everyone who comes to Bible Study, especially the non-church members.
Over the past few weeks, we have been studying Genesis 12-50.....the Patriarchs. And can I just say, that I have learned so much in 10 weeks during of this intense Bible Study.
My Top 14 Personal Take-Aways from this Journey through Genesis:
1. My prayer each day before I started the journey: "Lord, I come to Your Throne excited to be a student in your classroom today. Delight me in Your Truth, and Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. Lord, grant me the "Spirit" of Wisdom and Revelation that will cause your Word to Jump off the page and into my heart, so I will be ever changed." Amen.
2. "My stomach turns as I recall a time when I acted more sinful than the less "spiritual" people I knew. I cringe when I hear stories of Christians acting less ethically than those who made no claim of faith. We must be careful to allow God to build a bone-deep character in us."
3. The Word of God is truly priceless to me.
4.FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real
5. Desperation can make an otherwise lucid person do outrageous things.
6. "God of Hope" - This title of God assures us that in Him our future can always be dramatically different than our past.
7. My Home must become a place of God-Serving, God-Loving, God-Patience Place before my family will be ever ready to serve the Lord.
8. Journey of Faith - I have to get it out of my head the expectation of receiving a promise and expecting it to be fulfilled in the same location and season.
9. Many times I say, "I can not change the way I feel." But, I can change the way I think, which will lead to change in the way we feel. As long as I keep thinking the same old thoughts, we'll keep feeling the same old feelings. Renewed Mind - Romans 12:2
10. Do I want something to distinguish me in the business world? The Presence of God in my Life.
11. I want a Glorious Holy Addiction to the presence of God in my life.
12.Nothing that I hang on to, that cheats me of His Presence, is worth what is lost.
13. My Prayer - May I be full of the Spirit in the Workplace, being patient, joyful, and kind,not engaging in gossip, and always doing my job well.
14. If I believe God is sovereign, good, and purposeful, why would He allow or even ordain a season in my life that has no value or contribution to our futures.
I learned so much Biblical Knowledge, that I may share in a later post. But, these personal take-aways are somethings that are just sticking with me.
These are two of the 12 amazing ladies, Tammy and Denise, who journeyed through The Patriarchs with me. We are attending Miss Savannah's Sweet 16 Party!
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