Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

What a blessing this week has been, and its not even half way over. For the past few days, the Lord has truly been moving in my life. Great God things seem to be happening,and as I write this I am overcome by an overwhelming feeling of peace!

This morning, I took some time to read through some blogs and surf Facebook, and I came across the following clip from Pastor T.D. Jakes sermon on the difference between Praise and Worship. It really hit me straight in the heart. By the time the video ended I was jumping up and down just worshiping the Lord. Its only a minute or so, check it out......

Now that is a reminder that I needed on this Thanksgiving Eve. What about you? Many times during my prayer time I praise Jesus, but I can't help but ask myself when is the last time I truly Worshiped Jesus. I try to worship the Lord with my life choices and how I live my life, but when was the last time I worshiped the Creator of Heaven and Earth. I try to always Praise God for what he did in my life, but what about Worshiping Him for who He Yahweh.

As thanksgiving approaches and the long weekend begins, I want to take some time to WORSHIP my God for all that He Is and All that He Will Always Be.

Have a blessed weekend and enjoy this song that is all about Worshiping Our God!!!

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