Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Praising Through a Spiritual Storm

The Enemy must have me on speed dial this week. For the last eight days my life's situations have been frustrating, challenging, and down right MEAN!!!! This afternoon, I found myself Christmas Shopping, and I should have been happy go-lucky mood and in the "Holiday Spirit." Yet, I was overcome with a depressed attitude, I guess most people would have labeled me in a "BAD MOOD."

But, those of you who know me well, know I RARELY get in bad moods. Even when I am upset or frustrated I try to focus my mind on Christ and the FREEDOM He has blessed me with. Yet, by my fourth shopping stop, I finally had to PULL MY CAR into a parking lot, and begin praying to the Lord and Proclaiming His Victory over my life. I know full well the enemy tries to KILL, STEAL, and DESTROY each of us one day at a time. And in recognizing this, I was determined to allow the Lord to have Victory over my life.

So, where am I now? I have worship music playing throughout our house and I am allowing the Lord to take care of the Fear that has overcome me...........

1 comment

Pastor Jeremy said...

Hope our worship set looks like that in a few years (or months)...Love it. Great blog and great post.

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