Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

NO MORE TEARS..............

"Not what a man is in himself as a Christian, his spirituality and piety, constitutes the basis of our community. What determines our friendship is what that man is by reason of Christ. Our community with one another consists solely in what Christ has done to both of us."

I am blessed to have found a strong group of Christian friends who study Christ together, worship together, eat together, laugh our heads with one another, and love one another more with each passing day. And this weekend I got a chance to reconnect with many of my best friends.

I've always believed that a spiritual connection is stronger than a physical connection. When you kneel and hold a friend at the alter and experience the healing power of the Holy Spirit together the bond between you is indescibable and irresplacable. I am honored to have found friends who are not afraid to tell me the truth, call out my fears, and stop what they are doing and beginning praying for me and not concerned who is around. Those friends have seen me at my weakness, and loved me more then than when I am at my best.

The enemy loves to point out that those close friends of mine don't live anywhere around me. They are not part of my everyday life, and those friends are in the "past." Yet, I rejoice in the face of evil when I am reminded of the bond we share even though our times together are not often. Life has continued, and the Lord put us together for a season, yet our friendships will last through eternity because of the foundation in Christ we have.

As for today.....I truly feel the Lord is preparing me for a time of complete dependency on Him. He has prepared my heart for tests, trails, and hardships in this upcoming week (I have no clue what is ahead) and the only way I am going to get through is with my eyes on only Him. TO HIM BE THE GLORY....AND THROUGH MY LIFE NO MATTER HOW HARD IT GETS He WILL Receive the GLORY!!!!!!!!!

1 comment

momstheword said...

Hello! I absolutely love the falling "snow" on your blog! I love walking in the snow (hate being cold though). On your blog I was able to do both, lol!

I, too, recently connected with an old friend from the past. I also have friends that I rarely get to see anymore (they live out of town). But whenever we do get together, it's like we were never apart. We just pick up where we left off.

© Cardigan Chic

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