Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Five on Friday

Happy 2020!  Its the first Friday in January and I have to admit these past couple of weeks have been amazing!  I took two full weeks off from work and its exactly what I needed.  Today, instead of showing you the top 5 things I loving this week, I thought it would be fun to dedicate this post to 5 things that I accomplished while taking some time off.

1. Deleted over 1,000 accounts I follow on Instagram.
Its no lie that my favorite social media platform is Instagram; however, I felt that the number of accounts I was following was OUT OF CONTROL.  So, I spent an hour un-following over 500 accounts, then Instagram blocked me from being able to do ANYTHING for 24-hours, so a couple of days later I went back and deleted another 500 accounts.  I cannot tell you how this has simplified my feed, and truly cut down on all the noise.  Yes, I am still following over 700 accounts, and a few influencers and brands, but its been amazing to see that my stories are not always full and the people I still see are people I want to see and engage with each day. 

2. Our Christmas Decor is Down and our House is Clean
This will come at no surprise, but I love having a clean, uncluttered house by New Years.  Just like I enjoy having our house decorated by Thanksgiving for Christmas, I like having our house in order by January 1st.   And, this year was no exception.  Even though I was battling a cold all week, on Sunday when it was 75 degrees outside Matt and I took down our outside decorations and got them put up, and on Tuesday (New Year's Eve) we took down all of our indoor decor (including 4 Christmas trees!)  Then because I was battling this cold, I took my time and started cleaning out closest, drawers, etc. little by little.  Now everything is ready for the new year. 

3. Books  
This year one of my goals is to read 20 books in 2020 (more about my goals next week on this blog.)  However, I finally chose what two books I wanted to read this month.  Rhythms of Renewal is a book I got for Christmas and I am just getting a chance to start diving into this book.  The second book is one I started last week, One Day in December.  Everyone has been talking about it, so I finally jumped in and started listening to it on Audible. 

4.Val Marie Paper's 2020 Prayer Journal 
I absolutely love this prayer journal.  I used the six month, undated version two years ago, and then in 2019 I got the full journal.  I loved it so much that I got the 2020 edition when they went on sale in August.  I love being able to keep up with my prayer requests, actual prayers, and gratitude list throughout the year.  These journals are something I will always treasure.

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5.  Lots of Rest!  
Finally, I truly got lots and lots of rest.  I slept in EVERYDAY, and even worked in nap or two throughout the break.  A lot of this rest came because I was so sick over break, but I really think its what my body truly needed.  I really needed these two weeks off, and now I am ready to get back into the grid next week.  

Happy Friday Friends! 

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