Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Christmas 2013

What a wonderful week celebrating Christmas.  I have to admit that this year it wasn't until Christmas night that I finally found myself in the Holiday Spirit.  Things have been a little chaotic lately, and with fighting off a cold the whole month of December, followed by a lack of sleep and stress from getting everything wrapped up before taking some time off, I just couldn't get into Christmas.  

However, on Christmas night, as I looked around and saw my sweet family surrounding me and having a great time together, that I realized how truly blessed I am to spend another holiday with those that I hold so close.  We did have a little sickness in my family (my sweet dad and Matt's aunt missed all the festivities); however, we did get a chance to see them before we left. 

This past week has been soooo good for my soul. I got to spend quality time with my parents, my in-laws, my bro and sis-in-law, my church family, my sweet aunt, and my best friend.  It was five amazing days of being loved and encouraged.  Its was also the first Christmas that we had a baby in our family, as Matt's cousin Andrea was in town and we got to spend some sweet time with Grey.

This Christmas ended up being so special.  From the nights laughing around the dinner table to the sweet words of encouragement from my parents and in-laws, to my best friend who knew I just needed time to be me and planned the perfect afternoon of us just hanging out, talking, shopping, and just catching up.  Overall it was such a special visit, and I am so thankful for these wonderful memories.  

And, instead of showing you the few pics I took or detailing my annual present list, I thought I would share this beautiful video that truly captures the reason why we celebrate this beautiful season.........

Lots of Love!

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