Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Operation Save the Purse - Day 3

Its Thursday!!! Only one more day until the weekend, which I am very excited about. We have lots of exciting weekend plans and I am looking forward to spending some time with my hubby!!!

I am beginning to feel more in the holiday spirit. Matt and I were talking about what holiday movie we were going to watch first this year........and to no surprise its Christmas Vacation!!! Matt loves that movie, and just like Jimmy Buffett music, its becoming one of my favorites too!!!

Original Trailer for Movie

In speaking of the holidays, I cannot believe a week from tonight is Black Friday Eve!!! I need to make a phone call to my shopping buddies, so we can map out our quests. I am wondering if I can start them at 3 a.m. ????? (Hint, Hint.)

Now the purpose of my post..............Operation Save the Purse is Going. The smell is 75% of the outside of my purse (the coffee worked a little) is almost gone, yet the smell is still really strong inside. Tonight I used the COACH cleaner, and after cleaning I placed a bowl of baking soda down in the purse. And, instead of placing the purse outside on the porch, I have now placed my purse in our bathroom; where I am hoping the steam and heat can improve the smell!!

We are getting there. My purse looks GREAT, just smells a little rough. My next step tomorrow will be a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish washing liquid on the side liner.

Wish me luck!! And, thanks for reading the most random post ever! Ha!

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