Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Operation Save the Purse - Day 2

Day 2 of Operation Save the Purse is under way, and with good results. The smell from my purse has decreased about 40%. However, my sunglass case is 99% back to normal. Woohoo!!! A good friend at work let me borrow the BEST GIFT EVER........

This is Cleaner for a Coach Bag.....who knew they made the stuff!

How did it turn out??? That's a great question. Unfortunately, I left the the bottle of cleaner at work......geeez. I got already to clean my purse, and remembered I forgot to get the bottle from my desk. So, I did the only thing I knew to do. Put more coffee in my purse, and wait until I can clean tomorrow! Ha!

Will keep you posted.........

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