Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

What Happens When We NEVER Go to the Grocery Store.......

Ahhh....the Grocery Store. Its the same thing, week after week after week, and last week Matt and I decided, without saying anything, that food shopping was not on our priority list. Since we don't have kids and both work crazy hours, food in our home is not a priority.

However, it didn't help that, in part of my Spring Cleaning in the Fall, I threw away some of his "snack" food. So, our days and nights are now consisting of cereal, PB sandwiches, or take-out. And, it does not help matters that I actually HATE to cook. After long days at work, neither of us want to come home and make a meal. And, since we are RARELY home by 6 o'clock, it would mean most nights eating at 8-9 p.m. if I cooked dinner.

Therefore, it seems like our eating selection is low. Which is not bad for our waistlines. I can grab a diet coke from Pilot, and I am good to go for the night. :-)

On a side note, we are only 3 days away from my close friend Melanie's BIG Wedding Weekend. I am excited to see everyone, and most of all CELEBRATE a day she has been looking forward to for a long time.

Have a great week!!

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