Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Monday, Monday!

Oh Monday! Why do Mondays have to be so busy, crazy, hectic.....should I go continue. I absolutely love Sundays, and I always look forward to Mondays. Yet, by 9 a.m. on Monday mornings, I always wonder 'What in the world was I looking forward to?' Ha!

This weekend was nice. Friday, I worked late to finish some small tasks, and that allowed me not to work the rest of the weekend.

Saturday, we celebrated our bi-monthly Women's Ministry Event at Church. Our Pastor's Wife spoke, and I truly loved hearing from her heart and getting to know many of the amazing women in our church. The Lord has truly called us to serve and attend at Northstar Church, and our friendships and ministries are just precious to Matt and I. (If you live in the Knoxville area, and are looking for a new church, please visit our website and come visit on Sundays.)

Saturday afternoon I headed home for the evening, and enjoyed the night shopping with mom and hanging out with my parents.

Sunday I was able to sleep in, visit my in-laws, and go to town with my parents. I love spending time with just mom, dad, and I, and those moments this weekend are just precious to me. Truly Priceless.

I headed back to Knoxville on Sunday afternoon, and took the drive back home to catch up with my two good friends Tiffany and Melanie. Both are experiencing really exciting times in their lives, and I just love listening and laughing along with them. (Love ya Both!!!)

As I returned back to Knoxville, I continued on my "Fall Cleaning." I am cleaning and decluttering EVERY inch on our home, and my goal is to finish this weekend. It keeps us busy, but it will be so worth it.

And, then there is Monday. After a crazy day at work, I really do love my job just some days are crazy, Matt and I headed to dinner and then started working on cleaning our bedroom. And, we just finished.

The rest of the week is going to get busier. I have business meetings Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings, and Friday our guests arrive for the big ALABAMA/TENNESSEE weekend. Go Vols!!

Hope your having a great week, and I will leave you with one of my favorite songs:

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