Have you ever doubted there is a God? How could God, who is bigger than our minds can comprehend, know our names, the number of hairs on our head, our thoughts, everything about us? Why would He care about our needs, wants, and desires? I will be honest, from time to time I think those thoughts. Yet, He has done so many amazing things in my life, that I cannot help but know with every thing in me, that our God is real, living, and mindful of me.
On Sunday, our Pastor spoke about 3 ways to remind us that the Lord truly is real and active, and in times of doubt and discouragement, these ways would emind us that He is still on His throne and concerned about us. And, since we are starting a new week, I thought this would be a great way to kick off the week:
#1 Nature & Creation -Look around you. The rising of the sun to the setting of the moon, the trees, mountains, oceans, animals, and earthly beauty. Looking at the beauty of our world reminds us that God created the heavens and the earth, and that He is real and worthy of our praise.
#2 Life Changes - The Lord has carried us through so many trials and life changes, and as we accepted Him as our Savior, He changed who we were and gave us a new life. He has delivered me from sins, and brought peace and assurance into my life. The miracles I've seen, and the changes in my own life remind me that He is real and worthy of our praise.
#3 In the life of Christ Himself - Jesus Christ was a real man. He was born a child, raised in the Jewish faith, had a short ministry on earth teaching us about our relationship with God, was crucified and then raised from the dead. He had 12 disciples who followed Him, and after his accession, they all died a martyrs death. Its important to note that on one dies for a dead man. Our Lord is living and took on the form of man to walk with us, teach us, and love us. And, this reminds me that He is real and worthy of our praise.
Our God is REAL. He is worth of our praise. He is Faithful, Loving, Healing, and Awesome. I will praise Him all the days of my life.
As we begin this week, lets praise our Lord and thank Him for Who He Is and Thanking Him for calling us as His children.
Be Blessed!!!
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