Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

It's Fall Time In Tennessee!!!

This past Friday, I found myself with nothing to do for an hour. The business conference had ended, and I had a little time to pass before my next appointment.

And, since I was in Kingsport, I headed to Bays Mountain. I decided to take a "hike" through the mountains; however, all I had were dress shoes and flip flops. I opted for the flops, and headed out on one of the trails.

It was so nice to wonder along by myself, I was truly able to enjoy the peace and silence!

Looking straight up........this was my view!

Stopping on a bridge for a photo!

Amazing Weather....soooo relaxing!

Oh, course half way through my mini-hike, my cell phone rang, and I had to hurry along to meet an appointment that had been rescheduled for earlier in the day. However, my hour in the park was just want my soul needed, and reminded me why Fall is my favorite time of year.

Have a great week!!

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