Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Getting Out of Bed........#1 Priority Today

Its been over a week since my last update, but, I have a good excuse.........I promise. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I do have a new job. However, last week as I was wrapping up things at my Fair job, and the stress kept building and building and I began feeling worse and worse. By Thursday, I was not sleeping, sick all day, and could hardly sit up without crying. After, encouragement from my co-workers, I called the doctor and he suggested I head straight to the ER.

After lots of tests, some pain medicine, and a consultation I found out that I had Pancretitus, and my gall bladder was producing gall stones that were traveling into my Pancreas. After three days in the hospital, surgery to remove my gall bladder, and convincing my doctor I was ready to go home, I was released.

And has been taken out of me. I have never been this tired or sore, and just feeling like lying on the coach and snoozing. I have so much work to be done, things to happen before I start my new job, and many commitments I am having others help me with. But, it will all get done soon enough.....right???

I am taking today and Tuesday to rest, and hope to start my new job on Wednesday. I will say that during this "break" I am overwhelmed by the love and kindness of my friends and close family. Its amazing that even though I don't live at "home", all the close friends who were there for me like family. I was just overwhelmed with the phone calls, emails, Facebook comments, visits, magazines, flowers, gifts, etc.

The Lord has truly blessed me with so many meaningful relationships, and I am excited for this next step in my life, and all the Lord has in store for me. And, most of all, I am so blessed with an extraordinary husband who was there with me every step of the way.

So Blessed!!!


Suzanne said...

Feel better soon, Kim!

Jennifer said...

You poor thing! I hope you get to feeling better REALLY soon!

KimberlyMDavis said...

Suzanne and Jennifer, thanks for the sweet comments. I think I am on the mend.

Leah said...

Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry to hear you haven't been well! I'll be praying for you to rest well and get back to normal soon.

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