Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

That Cute Guy at the Basketball Game......

Growing up, our high school girl's basketball team was one of the best teams in the State. Living in a small community, everyone supported all the sports; however, Girls Basketball was something almost everyone attended and supported.

In February 1996, our Girls Basketball Team was playing for a chance to go to State Tournament and my best friend and I headed to the BIG GAME early to get good seats. There sitting next to us was a very cute guy, and I asked my friend if she knew him. She did not, but she thought the guy's friend was cute.

A few months passed, and I forgot of the cute guy at the basketball game, and I decided to spend a few weeks of my summer at an intense music camp for "drum majors in training"...or at least that is what we called it. After only a few days at camp, my grandmother passed away and I quickly headed home to be with my family.

After all the funeral details were over, I sat thinking to myself "What am I going to do with my summer?" I could not return to the camp, and I had no Plan B. A few guys asked me out on dates, but nothing was there but friendship. I called my best friend to talk about my dilemma, and she could not stop gushing about her new guy. And, the best part. His best friend was the cute guy I saw at the basketball game in February. He had just graduated from our high school and he was going to call me the next day.


Well, that really cute guy DID call me the next day, and we made plans for a date the next night. We spent hours on our first date in the green swings around his house talking and laughing and really enjoying our time together. And we haven't stopped talking since. Its been 14 summers since I first met Matthew Davis, that cute guy at the basketball game, and I still love going home and sitting in those green swings and sharing life together.

He is my best friend, the one and only love of my life, and most of all one of the biggest blessings the Lord has ever given me. We've had our ups and downs; however, I can honestly say I am more in love today than I have ever been. He is the best husband, so giving, understanding, and forgiving. And, I am looking forward to spending the rest of my summers with that "cute guy" I meet 14 years ago.

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