Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Hope in the Dark............We're Going!!!

I have the bestest news!!! I found out last week that Matt and I are going to attend the Hope in the Dark event next week. Hope in the Dark is an event for orphans and Africa. Y'all know my heart for Aids Mission work in South Africa and Sudan, and my love for adoption. Nothing would make my life more complete than to one day travel to Africa and minister to those in need of aids vaccinations, clean water, and love. And, Matt and I have a deep desire to adopt and share our love with a child that is not as fortunate as every child deserves to be loved.

One of my daily prayers is that the Lord's prepare my heart and soul for the mighty things He has planned ahead for me. The wisdom and love that only the Holy Spirit can give me, is truly what I can only obtain through Jesus.

I am very excited about this event because it will feature Jars of Clay's organization Blood Water Mission and Steve Curtis Chapman's organization Show Hope. In fact, Steven Curtis Chapman will be singing and bringing his testimony on his adoption story.

Here is a special note from UTK's athletic director, Mike Hamilton about the the event:

We are so excited to be able to attend this event, its truly an answered prayer. If you are interested in attending. Please visit this SITE. Over the next few days, if you think about Hope in the Dark, please say a prayer for the event and for the Lord's will for African Missions and Adoption in our lives be fulfilled through our obedient hearts.

Have a blessed Wednesday!!

Love Ya,


Anonymous said...

I am responding to the comment you posted on my blog about Biggest Loser! WOW I cannot believe you saw Sherry shopping-she looked great when they showed her in the episode when she was voted off! Ashley and her are 2 of my favorites! I am just obsessed with the show in general! Have a great day! Cute blog!!!!

Suzanne said...

Kim, this is amazing! I think the Lord is going to guide you and Matt to do wonderful things to help those in need. How awesome!

KimberlyMDavis said...


I am so excited to be going to this event. I am hope an forever changed.

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