Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Top 2 Tuesday...............

Today on Top 2 Tuesday is .............Things You Can't Live Without! The topic is things, not people, and after thinking about my everyday life, here are the two things that I cannot live without:

1) My Bible and Morning Quiet Time. Here are the studies I am currently participating in, along with my bible and my Prayer Journal.

I write a lot in my bible and try to keep my God Journal to prayers between the Lord and I each day. My prayer is that one day, if the Lord blesses my husband and I with children, that this journal and my bible with be a tidbit of what the Lord did with my life.

2) I asked my husband, what was one thing I could not live without, and he immediatly said my phone. He is soooo right.

My Blackberry - Even though I do not talk as much as I once did, I text, Twitter, blackberry messenger, Facebook, and email with my phone. I do lose my phone often, and leave it on silent more hours than it is on; however, when I can find it and its on Normal Mode, I am never far from it! I will say that when I take vacation, its always my goal to turn it off and not turn it on until I return from vacay.

Twittering..........Can't go a day without!

Have a great Tuesday Everyone!!


The Undomestic Mom said...

Love your picks! My bible is covered in writing and highlighting too!

Lindsey said...

I wish i could get into twitter - i just signed up last week for an account and i'm trying to get the hang of it - its not as easy as fb and blogging - ha!

KimberlyMDavis said...

Lindsey - Twitter takes a little while to get used to, but after two years of using, I now get 90% of my news from Twitter. Hang in there, its a great source of information.

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